PDCC Bank head-office

Officers in Customer Grievance Redressal Mechanism at Head Office Level

General Manager (Chief Grievance Redressal officer/Nodal officer)

Head Office

Ph. No. : 26304100 26133833 26139300 Ext No-118

E-mailID : complaint[at]pdccbank[dot]com

Deputy Manager (Deputy Grievance Redressal officer)

Department of administration and human resource development, Head Office

Ph. No. : 26304100 26133833 26139300 Ext No-112

E-mailID : complaint[at]pdccbank[dot]com

Deputy Manager (Deputy Grievance Redressal officer)

Account and bank department, Head Office

Ph. No. : 26304100 26133833 26139300 Ext No-201

E-mailID : complaint[at]pdccbank[dot]com

Deputy Manager

IT Department, Head Office(Deputy Grievance Redressal officer)

Ph. No. : 26304100 26133833 26139300 Ext No-433

Email Id : complaint[at]pdccbank[dot]com

Deputy Manager (Deputy Grievance Redressal officer)

Loan(Agri),recovery(Agri) Department, Head Office

Ph. No. : 26304100 26133833 26139300 Ext No-265

E-mailID : complaint[at]pdccbank[dot]com

Deputy Manager (Deputy Grievance Redressal officer)

Loan(Non -Agri),recovery(Non-Agri),immersion Department, Head Office

Ph. No. : 26304100 26133833 26139300 Ext No-152

Email Id : complaint[at]pdccbank[dot]com


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